Saturday, March 12, 2016

Payroll business model

Payroll is amazing opportunity to develop itself into a polyhedral business model, like Google, among other HR services.

It naturally has functional relevance of multi faces to its multi layered customers.
To employees
To business entities
To COEs (C&B, HRG, Legal, Internal control, Finance, OD, Staffing, IT etc)

For employees , it is a free service. Payslip, direct credit, query resolution and online services. While we provide free service to this high volume base of pyramid...the opportunity still exist to go further from free service to  'value-add-more' space. One option is to add a value coupon.

For business, it is paid service for servicing their employees. Its a platform to ensure compliance , transformation and  integration. Clear outcome based business model. Not much changes on this middle part of pyramid.

For COE, it is currently a place to execute their policy. The opportunity is in offering to them as a process and technology platform to create & drive policy. And big data can be a huge value add. With clear charge model.

The top and middle will drive "revenue" for Payroll. While we can "Pay-back" some money to employees.

This can be a business model which Amazon or flipcart may be happy to partner whether you are captive or 3rd party provider.

This is a model which can extend to all HR services, more so to employee facing process.