Friday, May 22, 2009

Automation of variable payroll data logistics

One of the main issues in Payroll optimization is Variable Data, which doesn’t flow through the HR data base. This end up in …..Data flowing through multiple modes from multiple people in multiple formats.

Need of automation of data over and above HR data base may be due to:
1. Non localization of the HR databse
2. Payroll required data is not part of HR data base
3. Data originating from business
4. Time data

Some of simplest data automation I can see is using shared server folder which act as junction to combine data automatically. This will be a most cost effective solution especially with technologies like SharePoint.

Usage of much advanced web interface to source data originator along with interface with HR data base can be much more efficient but can be expensive.

Real payroll optimization is not complete without automating variable data logistic to the source of the data. Sometime there can be temptation to semi automate by pushing for unsustainable standardization with just complex data format set or cross subsidizing the effort of pulling the data by payroll team themselves.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Requirement gathering – Red zone area

Requirement gathering is one of most challenging and complicated part of any payroll project or Process improvement initiative.
The challenge stems from multiple perspectives:
1. Pre conceived notion of the process being complex.
2. Notional statutory ghosts.
3. Miscommunication of requirement.
4. Cultural issues in understanding & agreeing.
5. Confusion between understanding the requirement and agreeing to requirement.Misunderstanding the “I understand” with “I agree” or “I agree” with “I sign off” will lead to disastrous issues at very critical points in the project.

Tools to mitigate red zone:
1. Cultural diversities play a very important part in understanding this red zone.
2. Presence o functional knowledge
3. “Equidistance player” during requirement gathering.